Tyler Nichols



Horror, Movies, Writing, Guitar, disappointing my parents, the MCU, Video Games, Spider-man, Whiskey, Professional Wrestling, MMA, Football, Star Wars, world domination, Jeopardy

Favorite Movies

Se7en, Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Back To The Future, Battle Royale, Jaws, The Social Network, Friday the 13th, American Movie, anything Tarantino, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Deep Red, Evil Dead

Humane Review

Caitlin Cronenberg does her family name proud in this Dystopian future where families are asked to Euthanize members for the greater good.

Arcadian Review

With shades of A Quiet Place, Arcadian has a few really suspenseful scenes but it’s polarizing creature design may turn off viewers.

Damaged Review

Samuel L Jackson chews a ton of scenery in this crime thriller, but little else fails to captivate in what’s sure to be a polarizing film.

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