Refreshes Its Look As It Nears 25 Years Of Existence!

JoBlo in San DiegoWhen I started writing movie reviews under the pseudonym of “JoBlo” back in 1998 from my parents garage (literally), I never dreamed that almost a quarter of a century later, the website would not only be recognized as one of the pioneers in the online movie fansites sector but would remain extremely relevant and popular all these years later. About a decade ago, we expanded our online reach via YouTube and here we are today, with 11 channels totaling over 8M subscribers and over 5.2 billion views overall. Yeah….bbbbbbbillion. Crazy shit.


To that end, as we used to do in our early years (although that’s when I used to code the site myself as well), we figured with the pandemic “down-time” in the movie industry, why not take this opportunity to update our main hub and make sure that we continue to compete with all of the newer blogs and such popping up every other day. We’ve always believed in keeping up with trends in this industry, always evolving as does the movie business so today we present you with a more up-to-date infrastructure for JoBlo (based in WordPress) as well as an updated JoBlo logo created by renowned artist Chris Uminga, as well as a number of shake-ups in the sections of our site.

Most of the main elements will remain the same, of course, as we will continue to churn our DAILY NEWS updates in various parts of the industry including movies, television/streaming, horror movies as well as anything else we believe would interest our audience. On our homepage, you will now be able to access articles under 4 top sections including: MOVIES, TV, HORROR and VIDEO. Our secondary emphasis will always be on REVIEWS including all of the latest theatrical releases but also reviews of the hottest TV properties, as well as the coolest horror flicks. And as per our main core business on YouTube, we will continue to promote the latest and greatest MOVIE TRAILERS as they start being released by studios again.

Some of the lesser popular sections will still remain on the website but they have changed places, although you should be able to find movie posters, release dates, box-office and interviews within other parts of the site (try the MORE drop-down menu at the very top, for instance).

As per usual, we continue to thank you, our loyal fans for the past 23 years as we remain an independent company (yes, still owned by one dude…me) and rely on the love and support of movie fans from around the world in order to keep churning out the best in movie fandom, year-in and year-out. THANK YOU for continuing to support our many efforts over the years, for sharing whatever you deem necessary and for continuing to visit us every day. We wouldn’t be here without you and thank you for the bottom of our hearts. Oh, we also just launched a new MERCHANDISE shop, if interested.

Just for shits and gigs, here are some of the earlier incarnations of from 1998 to now. Fun times!

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

(click to enlarge)

June 1998 December 1998


February 2000 September 2000


November 2000 April 2001


April 2002 June 2003


2004 – 2008 2004


2013 2015